Another UK New member
Hello, have just placed an order with StoneyCNC for a S600 V2, having spent last Saturday at the Spalding MEX, chatting to Rory & Will.
Can confirm they are both very knowledgable & very helpful, had lots of questions answered.
Would be interested in contacting any users in the east london, Essex area.
My main hobby is scratch building scale model ships.
SC600/2, Kress 1050, UCCNC with UC100, Cut2D Pro, TurboCAD and Fusion 360

Not local to you, but was at Spalding on Saturday and interested in model boats amongst other things. Be very interested to see what you make as I am likely to go for the SC600 as well.
High Z S1000 router (out of action)
Linuxcnc to be replaced by UCCNC + UC-100
OSX Rhino 3D
Hi Joules,
We must have passed one another last Saturday, am expecting delivery of my SC600 tomorrow.
Once I get underway will post items, have a lot of work for the SC600, as intend starting a new model later in the year, which will require a lot of sheet cutting for decks, superstructure etc.
SC600/2, Kress 1050, UCCNC with UC100, Cut2D Pro, TurboCAD and Fusion 360
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