'HOME ALL' problem with Y axis
My machine is SC 2-420 and when I pressed 'home all' button, it doesn't transfer to Y axis with big noise. I'll attach the link below(you can see it from 9 seconds) to show how it works.
I don't know why this happens and all the axes move well by Jog button on the software provided.
Anyone can help me? or had same problem?

What software is in use? Do you have set the correct parameters / setup / profile for SC 2-420 in your SW?
Are your end-switches working and did they switch before the mechanic touch the mechanical limits? Did you SW send any feedback about the limit-switches?
For me it looks like that the X-axis limit switch will not be switched...
Viele Grüße
V2/420 China 800W wassergekühlt
Jog the x axis and press the limit switch with your finger. If it doesn't stop the x axis could be a bad limit switch or broken loose wiring or mechanically not working.
DocBrown Thank you for your response. I installed UCCNC with the correct parameter for Stepcraft2-420. I think you're right that it's prom with the end switch of X. I'll have to reassemble my machine but I'm worried a little bit if I can make it worse.
Anyway, I can see the message from the software like 'A machine axis position software limit was reached. The axis was now stopped' when I jogged X axis to minus direction 10 cm before it reached to the end part of gantry. Is this message also connected to the problem of end switch?
jonalm thank you for your response. I did what you said but it didn't work. I think some of the wires are disconnected. I'll check it through reassembling.

I would disbale "SW limits" ("uncheck" this feature). If you really want to use it you have to set the SW limits always for every work-piece. OK, it gives a little bit more safety but is annoying...
Then SW limits are relatively to the 0 position of all axix.
I've disbaled it in a personal parameter file and I'm starting UCCNC always with my self-made default file.
Viele Grüße
V2/420 China 800W wassergekühlt
Wow! I disabled SW limits and it's working. But I'm not that smart to make my own parameter. I can bear with that annoying.:D. Thanks
The Z-Ref is switched at first, so the next X-Ref is bright by Z-Ref. All Refs are parallel. You have to drive back after each Ref per axis.
SC 420 v1 - LinuxCNC - EMC2 - Logitech Rumble Pad - Suhner UAC30RF (nach Anpassungen) - Fusion360
I solved this issue thanks to all you guys DocBrown, jonalm and Chris83 but I have another, similar problem. X and Z End Switches are working well now but Y isn't. At the end of 'Homing', Y axis doesn't stop with big noise(I always have to press Emergency button). I was going to ignore this issue but I'm new with this machine so I think it's better to solve this problem as well, even I can proceed the next step though. I don't know if it's connected to the status of Y End Switch or Softlimit issue and if it makes a big issue afterwards. Could you let me know?
Thanks and sorry for my late response every time. I'm working very slowly these days due to my 6-month-old baby.
Easiest way to check Y-limit switch is to just open the side cover and manually trigger the micro switch. If you have UCCNC running it should immediately beep and complain that limit switch triggered. If this does not happen then the switch might be broken. If this works, then most likely the switch is too deep in the frame, and the gantry does not press it when you move the Y to that end. There have been some cases where there are some screws which are too long and gantry hits them before the limit switch. You can open the cover and home the machine and see how much there is between the switch and the gantry when it does not move anymore. If it is very close you could just tape something to the gantry so that hits the switch earlier, so that would allow you to get things running if you do not have time to fix the root problem.
Stepcraft 2 840 Kickstarter make anything package
HF500, 3D print, Drag Knife, etc
UCCNC + UC100, V-Carve
Thank you very much Kivinen. I used tape and hard paper to make the gantry reach to the switch as you said and it worked. I think I'll fix the root problem later because I want to use this machine as soon as possible.
Please help me guys.
I have problem with assembly. X and Z axis is doing fine but for Y-axis it stuck or struggle to move. What could be the problem ?
Plse take a look again on the last assembling step and the recommended video.
You have to adjust Your Y axis proper and precise, then it doesn´t struggle.
Produktevangelist 🙂
Es grüßt mit der Ihm gegebenen Freundlichkeit...
...der Thomas
In my opinion the Y axis is very poor kinematically speaking - 16 possible points of contact to constrain movement to one direction. Theoretically one only needs 5 constraints, 3 rotation and 2 translation, so there is some redundancy!!!!
Practically, you will need to slacken off all the roller adjustments and then tighten carefully and slowly to JUST remove any free movement between each roller and guide rail. It took me hours to get my 420/2 to an acceptable state with no shake but easy to move over the whole Y axis extent. Just to make life doubly difficult, there is interaction with the X axis as well!!
In addition, misalignment of the leadscrew bearings at the free end can (and did in my case) cause severe binding - I eventually had to relieve the mounting holes on the end plate to get satisfactory operation.
Don't rush this job, otherwise it will return to bite you on your most important job (Sod's law always wins!!)
Good luck - be patient.
SC 420/2, Industrial VFD spindle from StoneyCNC
Cut2D, Autosketch10, Draftsight, Eagle 9.5.1
There is no problem, however simple, that cannot be made more complicated by thinking about it.
I had this problem. To fix it: Home all, when y starts making bad sound hit e-stop, reset, try to manually move away from Y edge, hit override limit, reset, manually move away from y edge, home y
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