"Not ready"-signal wont go away
I have a D3.840, I have it set up so it can run from the PC. But whenever I start up WinPC NC, it says the machine is not ready. I open the signal monitor and the "Not ready" signal is always on.
I've done:
- E-stop is not triggered
- Limit Switches
- Limit Switches Cables
- Motors & Motor cables
- Double-checked the cables connecting to the PCB
I've also tried power cycling both PC and the CNC, but nothing has helped.
I'm about to test if the E-stop button does work or not, but I thought I'd go ahead and write my post here. If I find out what it was I'll update on this post.
"Not Ready" warnig is mostly a not functioning communication of one of the steppermotors.
So check if the X-Y-Z cables have no wirebreak or false contact in the connector.
Measure also the E-stop switch if that one doesn't "hang" e.q. stays closed.
But most likely your problem is a wirebreak or bad connector somewhere.
SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021
Hi CncMiller - I individuelly checked all XYZ stepper motor cables and they seem intact.
At the same time I did the same check on the stopswitches.
On stepcrafts request I sent the circuit board to them, they checked the boards and they found no errors.
I also performed the e-stop check as well. It is not hanged in one state.
I'm running out of ideas to try now and stepcrafts support hasn't been very helpful since I got the board back.
Hi Zhoot,
This is the explanation of the "Error" message from the original manual.
"Machine not ready
The machine has not been switched on or a fault is present. Carefully
check the machine and its interfaces and resolve the issue."
So to clear what you have done:
- Switch on machine. No error
- Start WinPC-NC. Error Machine not ready
- Check E-stop by twisting the knop.
Try this:
- Don't power up the machine.
- Start WinPC-NC. Warning will come on screen "USB hardware not found" . Accept
- check the correct machine profile is loaded.
- check all settings made in the program for your machine are correct.
- check the USB cable connection.
- Close WinPC.
- Switch on machine.
- Start WinPC-NC.
Still error, than there is still a problem in the hardware of the machine or connection to the computer.
For further ideas I need more info about your setup Software and Hardware.
SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021
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