Finllay got my first CNC
Good evening!
I'm Hayden from Essex, I've been looking at CNC's for a few years, I bought one online that you built yourself, turned out to be a load of rubbish, the guy/company that sold it closed his business down so that went in the bin, literally.
I've looked at step crafts since day one of wanting a CNC machine.. A 2nd hand D-840 come up on FB sales near me, so I snapped it up, it has the alloy bed & ATC which seems really cool.. Ideally I will need a big 8'x4' machine but this is the perfect machine to get my foot in the door.
So far I've managed to setup UCCNC and make a few simple cuts out of old ply which was very cool!
I've messed around with a few different end mills from Amazon which I'm struggling with, I think? More so knowing what bit to use for what cut ect but I'm sure some more YouTube videos and practice will help there..
Any advice or tips please let me know 🙂
Thanks 😀

Hi Hayden,
Welcome to the group. I'm afraid that the rest of the group is a bit mute lately. 😶
How are you doing with your end tools?
Kind regards.
PapaAtHome Ich lese Deutsch, ich spreche (ein wenig) Deutsch, aber ich kann kein Deutsch schreiben.
SC420/2+Perf kit, D3/600, MM1000, laser module, WinPC-USB v3.02/06, UCCNC v2111, FreeCAD/Inkscape on Windows10, 64 bit.
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