what stepcraft to buy?
STEPCRAFT-2/D.840 Construction Kit
Everyone has ideas – STEPCRAFT can help you turn them into a reality.
ONE MACHINE DOES IT ALL – Milling, Carving, Engraving, Crafts, 3D Printing and more…
The first CNC system for Professionals, Hobbyists and Families – Precise, Fast and Easy To Use!
OK, so every Stepcraft can do pretty much everything, limited only by the size of the machine you buy, and that sounds really positive, but I have two questions, though:
1. How good is StepCraft support? The reason I'm asking is I have a machine from an American manufacturer, but I'm really unhappy with their poor customer attitude and will return or sell it as soon as I can, and want to be sure StepCraft has better customer support.
2. Is the machine mostly manufactured in Germany, and, therefore, exempt UK import duties?
Thank you.
it all depends on your demands and wishes.
Keep in mind that you can mill almost everything you want, but........
Stepcraft is in origin an hobby machine with all its limitations like speed and cutting depth. This is depending on the strength of the stepper motors and construction of the portal and Y-axis movement.
Time, because the strength of the machine is leading in cutting depth (passes) and feed rate (lateral movement) you will need more passes with little cutting depths and slower feed rates.
So overall the machine is slower as an industrial CNC but can do the same, only slower and within the machine working area limitations.
What kind of support you are expecting from Stepcraft?
If you expect help on setting up your machine than you should use the forum for the best results.
If you expect help on the hardware side just email them.
Personnel note: I use the first series 420 since 2013 bought as a kit. No problems since.
SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021
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