Yet another DL445 Set Up Question - UCCNC

Hi All,
I acquired a DL445 laser module a while back and since we are currently in COVID19 lock-down, I thought now would be a great time to set it up!
I have a Stepcraft 840, UCCNC and am using the default Stepcraft laser profile. The DL445 module is plugged directly into the Stepcraft machine (not via a switch box or anything).
The issue I am having is ... well ... nothing happens! The fans on the control box and the fan on the laser power up. But thats it. I can't get the height probe to trigger, the status LED to light nor the laser to switch on. I've checked the pin assignments which all look OK in the configuration pages in UCCNC. I can get the status LED to come on if I change the laser pin (pin 17) on the i/o set up to pin 1. But that's as far as I've got.
Should I be able to see the status of the height probe on the diagnostics page?
Should there be a pointer type light on the Laser for zeroing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Going a little crazy with being in lock down and a problem I can't fix!!!
Hello, I had the same problem.
A long story in short, SC sells a laser for 550€ and is not able to add a working UCCNC screenset.
Fakt is, with the original SC screenset you are not able to run the laser because you cannot set all settings
I got help in this foum:
Here you can see how to cange the screenset.

Hi Andileibi,
Thank you for the reply. However, I think it is a different issue as I can set the current hi/low on the i/o setup page. I am using the newest Stepcraft screenset which seems to have to option available.
Do you have any other ideas?

Thank you so so much. I have wasted hours on this issue. And thank you to dezsoe on cncdrive. I am still having issues with the probe pin but I suspect that is the same issue. I will investigate.
I am stuck with the same problem, and the link given above takes me into dark corners that I o not understand and/or cannot replicate on my system.
Any other good ideas?
Turbocad, VCarve, UCCNC, 420, HF350.

Hi Kishmul - sorry for the delay. Did you get sorted?
No. Unit went back for repair. Upon return various attempts to alter UCCNC profile and settings but it refuses to fire up. All else works as expected-moves etc. Just no laser beam.
Asking to return it for a refund under UK law. It has been three months.
Turbocad, VCarve, UCCNC, 420, HF350.

Hi Kishmul,
That's really annoying. I too spent ages setting up my laser and still it's not working correctly (homing pin does nothing, no "sight" led?). Anyway, this is exactly what I did to get my system working on a basic level. Mostly paraphrased from CNCDrive forum. Hopefully this helps and let me know if you have any luck!
- Open a fresh UCCNC screenset from the Stepcraft Laser set up
- Create a hotkey to access the 'edit screen mode': click on 'configuration', 'i/o trigger', 'hotkeys'. Go to a blank slot (reading 0) and click set. Then set a keyboard shortcut - I used 'Ctrl+M'. 'Set' the 'function' to '526' which is the 'Edit Screen Function'. Click 'Save Settings' and 'Apply Settings'.
- Select the 'Configuration' tab, then 'I/O Set-Up'
- Press the keyboard hotkey you made earlier (Ctrl+M in my case). This will load the edit screen function window.
- With the edit screen window open, click on the 'Current hi/low:' value which currently reads 1. This should start a flashing red box around the value
- In the 'Screen Editor' window, click on the 'Selection' tab. In the first box, change the 'labelnumber' value to 2606. Click 'Apply Settings'.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the following: Current hi/low port (labelnumber): 2612, Current hi/low active low (boxnumber): 347
- Select File tab in screen editor and press Save screenset.
The final values should read: Current hi/low pin (1), port (1), Laser pin (17), port (1).
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