Windows 11 UCCNC Driver Update Problem
I am running MacBook Pro with Parallels. Stepcraft D600 was running fine but I bought a new Mac with Apple M2 Chip and it would only run Windows 11.
Since installing Windows 11 the UCCNC driver appears in Other Drivers in Device Manager with an exclamation mark.
When I right-click on the driver icon and try to update the driver, Windows says it can't be done. I have tried pointing directly to the USB folder in UCCNC but still won't update.
I have also tried using drivers from CNCDrive website but still no joy.
I have installed DotNetFx35Client as suggested elsewhere on the forums.
Has anyone experienced the same problem and got any ideas?
I have the same problem. Could you share with me if you found the solution?
I have the same problem. Could you shared with me if you found the solution?

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