Y Axis not working
Hello Friends,
We've bought a D(3)600 stepcraft, after finishing the assembling following the manual instruction on the step 9.3 X axis moved and Z axis as well, but when comes to moving both Y axis nothing is happening, no noise, no jog, it seems dead. We've measured the voltage output on both Y1 and Y2 connection on the board and both is receiving 30V. We also have done a testing using Y step motors connecting on the Z or X axis to make sure if its not a step motor issue but its working and both respond the command on Z or X arrow on UCCNC Program.
we are opening the UCCNC software using the D 600 stepcraft icon after installation and also loading the correct profile inside the software.
we are posting some pictures of the software parameters, maybe something is not correct.
We do not know what to do, any suggest would be very appreciated.
Thank you.
OS: Windows 11
I'm new to SC and UCNC. I got tripped up like this a couple times during set up when the system was beyond the soft limits. Did you check that your limit switches are not active or the soft limits and range of motion in the configuration are correct?
I'm curious if you found the problem.
yes, all my limits switches are working just fine. We've sent the control board to the step craft support and they've found a remaining solder between two contacts on the main board. I believe this was the issue blocking the Y axis of receiving commands and remaining dead during the first test. as soon we receive the board back i post the results.
Problem fixed.
We installed the board again and the machine is working just fine.
Thank you.
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